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Happy Shield
It is Jeff Lee Digital Projects' honour to be invited to participate in the HappyShield design: Curved Crease Origami Face Shield for Infection Control. Please visit the following website for more information:

Demo 1:Â Parametric origami using the theory of "Elastica surface generation of curved-crease origami". This video demonstrates the control of folding motion, folded shape, and unfolded pattern.
Demo 2: Modified design, it can have two different curved profile at the forehead and the end edge, as shown in the video. It is the transformation of a cone developable surface.
Project Credits
University of Cambridge, Department of Architecture
Centre for Natural Material Innovation
University of Queensland, School of Civil Engineering
Folded Structures Lab
Wesam Al Asali
Tom Bashford
Aurimas Bukauskas
Mutsuko Grant
Joe Gattas
Ana Gatoo
Yelda Gin
Will Hawkins
Millie Hood
Aftab Jalia
Antiopi Koronaki
Jeff Lee
Ana Maia
Andy Conway Morris
Josh Newman
Daniel Ottey
Michael Ramage
Darshil Shah
Work in Progress: Comfortability Optimization

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