Journal papers:
Ma, J., Zhang, H., Lee, T.U., Lu, H., Xie, Y.M. and San Ha, N., 2024. Auxetic behavior and energy absorption characteristics of a lattice structure inspired by deep-sea sponge. Composite Structures, p.118835. [Link]
Li, Z., Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2024. Interactive 3D structural design in virtual reality using preference-based topology optimization. Computer-Aided Design, p.103826. [Link]
Lee, T.U., Lu, H., Ma, J., San Ha, N., Gattas, J.M. and Xie, Y.M., 2024. Self-locking and stiffening deployable tubular structures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(40), p.e2409062121. [Link]
San Ha, N., Lee, T.U., Lu, H., Li, J., Lu, G. and Xie, Y.M., 2024. Energy Absorption Characteristics of Fractal Multi-cell Square Tubular Structures under Axial Crushing. Thin-Walled Structures, p.112365. [Link]
San Ha, N., Tran, D.T., Lee, T.U., Zhang, J., Lu, G., Ren, X. and Xie, Y.M., 2024. Efficient energy absorption of bio-inspired bi-directional gradient hierarchical multi-cell structure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, p.109492. [Link]
Lu, H., Lee, T.U., Ma, J. and Xie, Y.M., 2024. Design optimisation of structures made of a small number of prescribed building blocks. Engineering Structures, 304, p.117686. [Link]
Lee, T.U., Liu, Y. and Xie, Y.M., 2024. Planar-thick panels and 3D-printed gap fillers: A hybrid digital fabrication approach to curved surface approximations. Composite Structures, p.117875. [Link]
Li, Z., Lee, T.U., Pietroni, N., Snooks, R. and Xie, Y.M., 2023. Design and construction of catenary-ruled surfaces. Structures, 59, p.105755. [Link]
San Ha, N., Lee, T.U., Ma, J., Li, J. and Xie, Y.M., 2023. Energy absorption of a bio-inspired cylindrical sandwich structure. Thin-Walled Structures, p.111378. [Link]
Ma, J., Lu, H., Lee, T.U., Liu, Y., Bao, D.W. and Xie, Y.M., 2023. Topology optimization of shell structures in architectural design. Architectural Intelligence, 2(1), p.22. [Link]
Liu, Y., Lee, T.U., Javan, A.R., Pietroni, N. and Xie, Y.M., 2023. Reducing the Number of Different Faces in Free-Form Surface Approximations Through Clustering and Optimization. Computer-Aided Design, p.103633. [Link]
Lu, H., Lee, T.U., Ma, J., Chen, D. and Xie, Y.M., 2023. Designing 2D stochastic porous structures using topology optimisation. Composite Structures, p.117305. [Link]
Li, Z., Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2023. Interactive Structural Topology Optimization with Subjective Scoring and Drawing Systems. Computer-Aided Design, 160, p.103532. [Link]
Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2023. Finding globally optimal arrangements of multiple point loads in structural design using a single FEA. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 66(4), pp.1-16. [Link]
Liu, Y., Lee, T.U., Koronaki, A., Pietroni, N. and Xie, Y.M., 2023. Reducing the number of different nodes in space frame structures through clustering and optimization. Engineering Structures, 284, p.116016. [Link]
Bi, M., He, Y., Li, Z., Lee, T.U., and Xie, Y.M., 2023. Design and construction of kinetic structures based on elastica strips. Automation in Construction, 146, p. 104659. [Link]
Li, Z., Lee, T.U., Yao, Y. and Xie, Y.M., 2022. Smoothing topology optimization results using pre-built lookup tables. Advances in Engineering Software, 173, p.103204. [Link]
Liu, Y., Lee, T.U., Rezaee Javan, A. and Xie, Y.M., 2022. Extending Goldberg’s method to parametrize and control the geometry of Goldberg polyhedra. Royal Society Open Science, 9(8), p.220675. [Link]
Lee, T.U., Gattas, J.M. and Xie, Y.M., 2022. Bending-active kirigami. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 254, p.111864. [Link]
Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2022. Optimizing load locations and directions in structural design. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 209, p.103811. [Link]
Rezaee Javan, A., Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2022. Dividing a sphere into equal-area and/or equilateral spherical polygons. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 9(2), pp.826-836. [Link]
Lee, T.U., Liu, Y. and Xie, Y.M., 2022. Dividing a Sphere Hierarchically into a Large Number of Spherical Pentagons Using Equal Area or Equal Length Optimization. Computer-Aided Design, p.103259. [Link]
Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2021. From Ruled Surfaces to Elastica-ruled Surfaces: New Possibilities for Creating Architectural Forms. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 62(4), pp.271-281. [Link]
Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2021. Simultaneously optimizing supports and topology in structural design. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 197, 103633. [Link]
Lee, T.U., Chen, Y., Heitzmann, M.T. and Gattas, J.M., 2021. Compliant curved-crease origami-inspired metamaterials with a programmable force-displacement response. Materials & Design, p.109859. [Link]
Meng, X., Lee, T.U., Xiong, Y., Huang, X. and Xie, Y.M., 2021. Optimizing Support Locations in the Roof–Column Structural System. Applied Sciences, 11(6), 2775. [Link]
Bukauskas, A., Koronaki, A., Lee, T.U., Ott, D., Al Asali, M.W., Jalia, A., Bashford, T., Gatóo, A., Newman, J., Gattas, J.M. and Shah, D., 2021. Curved-Crease Origami Face Shields for Infection Control. PLOS ONE 16(2): e0245737. [Link]
Lee, T.U., Yang, X., Ma, J. Chen, Y. and Gattas, J.M., 2018. Elastic buckling control of thin-walled cylinder using pre-embedded curved-crease origami patterns. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 151, pp.322-330. [Link]
Lee, T.U., You, Z. and Gattas, J.M., 2017. Elastica surface generation of curved-crease origami. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 136, pp.13-27. [Link]
Lee, T.U. and Gattas, J.M., 2016. Geometric design and construction of structurally stabilized accordion shelters. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 8, no. 3 (2016): 031009. [Link]
PhD Thesis:
Lee, T.U., 2019, Elastic Energy Behaviours of Curved-crease Origami, Joint PhD Thesis of University of Queensland and Tianjin University. [Download 1] [Download 2]
Book chapters:
Lee, T.U., Lu, H. and Xie, Y.M., 2024. Designing Curved Folded Structures through
Topology Optimisation, In Origami 8: 8th International Meeting of Origami Science, Mathematics, and Education.
Lee, T.U., Chen, Y. and Gattas, J.M., 2018. Curved-Crease Origami with Multiple States, In Origami 7: Seventh International Meeting of Origami Science, Mathematics, and Education, Vol. 3, 2018, pp. 849-864.
Gattas, J.M., Baber, K., Al-Qaryouti, Y. and Lee, T.U., 2017, January. Rapid Assembly with Bending-Stabilised Structures. In Fabricate 2017 (pp. 50-57). UCL Press. [Link]
Edited books:
Xie, Y.M., Burry, J., Lee, T.U. and Ma, J., 2023. Integration of Design and Fabrication: Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures Annual Symposium 2023 (ISBN: 978-0-646-87830-0). [Link]
Xie, Y.M., Lee, T.U., Ha, N.S. and Ma, J., 2022. Irregular architectured materials are not superior to regular ones in terms of damage insensitivity and energy absorption. Science, 377(6609). [Link]
Conference papers:
Li, Z., Lee, T.U., and Xie, Y.M., 2024, Exploring and optimizing innovative structures in virtual reality. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2024.
Liu, Y., Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2024, TFree-form surface approximation using congruent regular triangles. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2024.
Ma, J., Lu, H., Lee, T.U., Chen, Z. and Xie, Y.M., 2023, Topology optimisation of free-form shells for architectural applications. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2023.
Li, Z., Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2023, Topology optimisation considering subjective preferences: current progress and challenges. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2023.
Bi, M., He, Y., Li, Z., Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2022, September. Creating novel dynamic architectural forms from kinetic elastica-ruled surfaces. In Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia (Vol. 2022, No. 8, pp. 1-11). International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS).
Javan, A.R., Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2021. Creating novel aperiodic patterns for flat and curved surfaces from a single pentagonal element. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21.
Lee, T.U., Meng, X. and Xie, Y.M., 2021. Optimizing support locations in structural design. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21.
Lee, T.U. and Xie, Y.M., 2021. From ruled surfaces to elastica-ruled surfaces: New possibilities for creating architectural forms. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21.
Lee, T.U. and Gattas, J., 2016, January. Folded fabrication of composite curved-crease components. In International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (pp. 1430-1435).
Lee, T.U. and Gattas, J., 2016, January. Experimental analysis of a reverse elastica pop-up geometry. In International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (pp. 1448-1453).